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History Repeatsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 3571 words)

Author: Ethan Wolfe
Added: Jun 15 2000Views / Reads: 1271 / 998 [79%]Story vote: 9.50 (4 votes)
Eric returns home rich and famous and finds what was missing in his life

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I stepped off the bus and took a deep breath. Home, at last. Or maybe, Home, what the hell am I doing here?

I haven't quite figured that one out yet. Anyways, I'm being impolite. My name's Eric Johnson. Yeah, kinda plain, but then again, I'm the plain sort. I'll give you the brief description. I'm a little under six foot, a little over two hundred pounds, and I carry little extra body fat. Ash blond hair with sun streaks to a little below my shoulders and hazel eyes that vary with my mood. Mostly blue or green though.

I've been away from home for about four years now. I'm not sure why I returned. Three major world martial arts titles and with a large bank account later, I just feel empty. And, I'll admit, a little homesick.

I recently contemplated suicide because I felt there was nothing left. I haven't had a girlfriend in six years, though I've had plenty of offers for sex. I'm just not that way though, I can't just screw a girl because she's there, there has to be feeling there, you know? Plus, I'm more than a little hard-hearted. I had a bad encounter with love and since then me and it haven't got along real well.

For those that can't figure it out, no I didn't commit suicide. But I told my agent and my work out friends I was taking a hiatus from the circuit. I'm not sure, I just feel as if something is missing. ...

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