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Full Moonthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 1745 words)

Author: Hitchcock
Added: Nov 07 2002Views / Reads: 1314 / 724 [55%]Story vote: 8.00 (2 votes)
Basic Bits of Everything - Some Oral, Some Regular, Some Anal - Lots of Passion, Nothing Weird

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The full moon is so bright you could do anything. Throw football. Maybe a lazy game of moonlight tennis. Watch a girl's calves flex against fishnet stockings. Choice C it is.

She's twenty-nine, which brings her closer to woman than girl. Still, women don't wear fishnets unless they're charging admission, so girl it is.

She's moving to her door now, eager to escape the cool air. Her boots echo in the moonlight. A hand goes to the doorknob, and she turns and smiles at you. Black hair, fair skin, eyeliner, deep red lipstick. Think of Elvira with a much better haircut, and right-sized breasts. The door clicks open and she turns and grabs your collar, pulling you in.

She throws a big somewhere, and you kick the door shut. Before the latch clicks, your faces collide. This is kiss number two. Kiss number one was in the parking lot of the restaurant. It was way good, but you didn't want to waste this on a car seat. Something with this type of promise requires real furniture.

You taste lipstick, wine and the peppermints that you helped yourself to on the way out of the restaurant. Her tongue is that kind of been-outside cold that's warming by the second. In a few moments, it'll be just this side of ninety-nine. ...

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