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Rebeccathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1757 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Richard
Added: Nov 10 2002Views / Reads: 802 / 498 [62%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Man meets woman he's chatted with

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Richard had been chatting with a number of women in the various chat rooms before he moved back east. Before leaving he arranged to meet several of the women he'd been chatting with along the way. One of the women was in Omaha, Nebraska. He drove into town about 5:30pm on a hot summer evening and, per her directions, went to the restaurant she managed, hoping to find her on duty. He went into the bathroom first, to freshen up a bit, then went to the counter of the fast food combination store and asked for Rebecca. The young lady turned and went to the rear of the kitchen and came back with the delicious plump woman. "HI RICHARD," she said putting out her hand over the counter. "Hi Becky, it's a pleasure to meet you." "Likewise. Please excuse the way I look," she gestured to herself in general. "I got called in today 'cause two different people didn't show up for work!" she said in a somewhat irritated tone of voice. "Oh NO problem. I am glad I got to meet you." "Yeah. Me too. Have you eaten supper?" "No." "I'll treat, hon. What would you like?" He told her what he always orders from Taco Bell and she had the other girl at the counter make it up while she went on talking to him. "Here you are, sir," the teenager said as she slid the tray of food across the counter to Richard. "Thank you, Jenny," he said looking at her name tag. "Here, have a drink, too," Becky said as she handed him a cup for a soda. "I have to check on a couple things and then I'll be out to sit with you." "Alright, Becky. Thanks." Richard took the tray to a table against the wall out of the ...

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