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Summer In Koreathis story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 3021 words)

Author: Richard
Added: Nov 11 2002Views / Reads: 2878 / 2396 [83%]Story vote: 7.60 (5 votes)
A Platoon Sargeant has his first gay encounter with the company clerk

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Summer In Korea

I went to Korea in the summer of 1970. I was 23 years old, a Staff Sergeant, having been in the service already just over 6 years. It was in Korea that I first saw the human anus in a sexual light, and THAT the anus of another man.

My young wife saw me off on the train from central Kansas to Seattle, Washington. After the 4 day trip to Seattle and the 3 days in the processing center at Ft. Lewis, I was flown to Kimpo Air Base outside of Seoul, then bussed to a replacement center in Tong du Chon, Republic of Korea. After being shipped out to my permanent assignment and settling in there for several days, I happened to be in the shower when another young soldier came in. He stepped over to the shower head and fixture handles next to me. I was stunned when he began to fondle himself and then to masturbate right in front of me. Well he didn't complete the task, but he DID stroke himself considerably, until he became quite erect. I was fascinated with his cock.

"Do you like other guys, Sgt. Collins?" he asked me.

"I never have been so inclined, Corporal," I told him.

"If you'd like to try it, you know where my room is!"


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