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Sick Daysthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:fetish, 3399 words)

Author: Richard
Added: Nov 12 2002Views / Reads: 3178 / 2490 [78%]Story vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
A man and woman from work ditch Friday and meet in a motel

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Sick Days

"You have reached the Law Offices of Fellows, Grisham and Bostich, Limited. Please make your selection from the following menu numbers. To speak to Mr. Fellows, press One. To speak with Mr. Grisham, please press Two. For Ms. Bosttitch, press Three. For the general voice mail service please press Four and state the name of the person with whom you wish to speak." That was followed by a tone and Richard left his message.

"This message is for Christy Collins. Christy, I am very sick this morning. Guess maybe I should have taken that flu shot after all ... but I CAN'T MAKE IT IN today. See ya Monday. Have a good weekend. Bye."

When the same number picked up again the outgoing message was repeated. "You have reached the Law Offices of Fellows, Grisham and Bostich, Limited. Please make your selection from the following menu numbers. To speak to Mr. Fellows, press One. To speak with Mr. Grisham, please press Two. For Ms. Bosttitch, press Three. For the general voice mail service please press Four and state the name of the person with whom you wish to speak." That was followed by the same tone as before and Deandra left her message.

"Hi. I am calling for Christy Collins. Chris, I am going to the doctor ...

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