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Cindy's Mother Ch. 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 3574 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: sweetguy Picture in profile
Added: Nov 17 2002Views / Reads: 9529 / 8359 [88%]Part vote: 8.38 (13 votes)
Jamie submits to his sexual desires

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Cindy and I had been going out together for about a month and things were going pretty smoothly between us, except for the fact that we had not slept together yet, which bothered me more than it did her, but I really liked her so I was prepared to wait until she was ready.

The first time I saw Cindy I was truly amazed by her beauty and I knew that I had to ask her out straight away and was a little surprised when she said yes. She definitely has the model look about her, tall, slim and very sexy. Her long black her looks like it have been woven from silk and her sparkling blue eyes resemble a sapphire jewel.

We hit it off right from the start and we both knew all about each other's life within the first week. It was in this time that I found out that she was still a virgin and was waiting for the right guy before having sex.

It was kind of a shock to find out that a 19 year old gorgeous girl like Cindy was still a virgin but it also excited me because I was hopefully going to be her first, eventually.

After about a month of us dating, Cindy told me that her parents wanted me to come over for dinner so they could meet me. I've got to be honest and say that I was hesitant at first, because I had heard that her parents were quite strict and I did not relish the thought of having them giving me the third degree about my intentions towards her ...

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