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The White Horsethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 5169 words)

Author: Macgee
Added: Jun 16 2000Views / Reads: 5052 / 3621 [72%]Story vote: 9.00 (3 votes)
My lover looses her anal cherry

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The White Horse Copyright 2000 by Macgee

We met at our usual place, the White Horse, a neighborhood watering hole where it was unlikely that anyone either of us knew would walk in and see us together. It had several tables that suited the nature of our infrequent meetings, in a secluded part of the bar and dim lighting. After catching up on each other's lives for a while, the conversation grew awkward. As usual, after simply being near each other for more than a few minutes, the sexual energy was almost unbearable. I thought our waitress had picked up on it right away.

Laine and I had been having an on and off affair for about fifteen years. We met in the early '70s, Laine in a stationery store and me in a bicycle shop in a strip mall. She kept walking through my shop stopping to ask me this or that, until I asked her out. That's when I found out that this lean, lanky filly who'd been teasing me for months was married.

When I apologized, she said, "Why?"

I wasn't sure, it just seemed to be the right thing to do, and I didn't want her husband to come after me for hitting on his wife. I was single, and had been getting lucky with satisfying frequency with the available single girls. I also remembered the advice my middle-aged, and divorced, family doctor had given me, "never get involved with ...

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