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A Tale from Wang Li's Sports Bar: Bethany's Storythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3223 words)

Author: wahdee
Added: Nov 26 2002Views / Reads: 2212 / 1712 [77%]Story vote: 8.80 (5 votes)
Bethany knows what she wants. Will she get it?

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Bethany was feeling a combination of lust and fear as she sat at the bar. It was an exciting and intoxicating mixture that sent tingles through her body starting at her neck, through her breasts, down her spine, and deep into her sex. It wasn't the act of sitting in a bar and drinking that had her so excited; it was the reason she was here. She knew what she wanted and she knew what she was going to do.

Bethany had certainly dressed for the occasion. She had originally planned to wear an off-the-shoulder navy dress that she had worn to the company Christmas party last winter. At the last minute she had decided that it was too elegant, too formal, and just plain not sexy enough. Instead, she had opted for a short red evening dress that she hadn't worn in years. The dress was strapless and used the miracles of modern clothing to make the most of her bust line. It had come with matching red stiletto heels. When she had bought it, the fit was perfect. Now, however, she was several years older and a few pounds heavier. It had been a major challenge to get the zipper up, and she could barely squeeze her feet into the shoes. This was at least part of the reason for the fear. The look she was going for was "sexy, elegant woman". She was afraid she'd only made it to "fat old tart".

That's just insecurity talking, she said to herself. You look fine. She remembered walking into Wang Li's Sports Bar about 20 minutes ago and noticing all the male eyes following her up to the bar. See? They love you, she said to herself again, either that or they're laughing behind ...

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