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NEW MEMORIESthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 2334 words)

Author: sex4u
Added: Dec 01 2002Views / Reads: 3154 / 2282 [72%]Story vote: 8.71 (7 votes)
After remembering the fun they used to have NEW fun starts

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"Well buddy, it's been a long time. Come on I'll buy lunch." Ralph said. "We have a lot to catch up on. How's Sally? Still as gorgeous as always? I sure would like to see her again."

We went around the corner to a greasy spoon restaurant, sat and ordered burgers and fries. Having not seen each other for a couple years we had a lot to catch up on.

"What are you doing in town?" He asked.

"Business at the old office, just some old paper work to catch up on."

We talked, mostly about inane things, knowing that what was really mostly on our minds. Finally I brought it up.

"Do you and Sandy still have pool parties? Have any "good" fun with neighbors or any of our old friends?"

"Now that you mention it, YES. The couple that bought your house are in their forties and are very nice. We met them the day they moved. Doris is a big busted red head, a bit loud. Jack is usually quiet, tall and thin. They have twin girls, eighteen, built like you wouldn't believe, as only teenagers can be. Both had their mothers red hair. The women ...

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