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Matts Saga (pt 2)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 2661 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Nightcrawler
Added: Dec 03 2002Views / Reads: 2788 / 2499 [90%]Part vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
Matt continues his exploration of sexual delights but feels miserable inside. Can a sexy blond fill this emptyness?

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Matt's Saga (part 2)

The realization of what I had just done did not fully sink in

until I walked through my second period class doors. ‘I had just fucked

a girl' it sounded strange as I said it in my head. Just an hour ago, I

was an 18 year-old virgin. Sure, I had experienced some sexual

pleasures with girls in the past but nothing like this. I knew that

Christina's "cock list," as the football team called it, included most

of the senior class but I didn't care. I was finally on her list. The

best part about the situation, either then actually getting laid was

that she enjoyed it. Christina had given me her number, and I planned

to use it.

As I walked through the doors 45 minutes late (I had to change

into my uniform), I had a big smile across my face. I scanned the faces ...

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