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JOHN and GEORGIAthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 14764 words)

Author: MathGirl
Added: Dec 06 2002Views / Reads: 7945 / 5700 [72%]Story vote: 9.00 (6 votes)
Little Diane watches her lovers. A long story with straight, oral, and anal sex. Even some spanking.

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by MathGirl

Sequel to "Georgia"


Georgia and I dressed in the clothes we had been wearing before our shower and lovemaking. I was feeling happy and energized from my new experience. I'd discovered that making love with a woman could be just as loving, exciting, and fulfilling as with John. Now I'd had a lover of each sex, and they were both wonderful. There was much more for me to learn from my lovers, and I was excited about experiencing everything they had to teach me.

As I was freshening my makeup, I heard Georgia talking on the phone in the bedroom. I came out of the bathroom just as she was hanging up.

She said, "Diane Dear, this is going to be a little awkward, and I don't know what to do about it. You know I want to see John, and we ......... need some time together. I've been gone for a week, and .... well ...... I miss him. We don't want you to be ...... left out, though. Let's go have lunch and then think about it. Come over here and give Georgia a kiss, Sweetie." ...

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