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Sister's 40th Birthdaythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 6077 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Gabrielle
Added: Dec 10 2002Views / Reads: 8531 / 7421 [87%]Part vote: 8.89 (18 votes)
I flew out for my sister's 40th Birthday celebration. I've never cheated on my husband, but a phone call changes all of that.

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My name is Kim. My old college roommate just picked me up at the airport in Los Angeles. My husband was taking care of the kids for the weekend so I could join my sister, Monica, to celebrate her 40th birthday. I was looking forward to a weekend free from the kids and any responsibilities. It had been several years since I had been away from the screaming kids and the responsibilities of motherhood. This was going to be fun!

My old roommates name is Pam. Pam is a tall blonde. She's married with 2 kids and is also looking to get away from the kid scene. As we were driving the rental car out of the LA airport we were trying to decide what king of gag gift we were going to get my sister. Pam suggested we get my sister a "man" and I assured Pam that Monica had all the men she could handle. In fact, that was the one thing I envied about my sister....she may not be married, and she may not have three great kids, but she could still have any hunk of a man anytime she wanted.

The only thing I miss about being married is not being able to sleep with a sexy guy if I meet him. I had plenty of fun before I got married. I had sex with ten guys, including my husband, before I tied the knot. I sure thought I had gotten it out of my system, but now I wish I had tried out a few more guys before I got married. Looking back, I can't believe the number of great looking guys with great bodies that I turned down when I was younger.


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