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Rescue Me - Part Twothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1380 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: BunnyVixen
Added: Dec 15 2002Views / Reads: 555 / 358 [65%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
This is the continuation of the naughty girl and her sexy EMT hero

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As my eyes opened, I realized that I had fallen asleep. I glanced around the room to notice that my ankle still had an icepack on it and that my new hero was nowhere to be found. I pulled myself up to a sitting position and heard the sound of running water. My handsome stranger was apparently in the shower. I knew that I could certainly use a shower too.

I decided to be daring and test out my walking skills. I pushed myself up off the couch and tried to balance myself without putting weight on my hurt ankle. I shedded what little clothing I still had left on and hobbled towards the sound of the water. I quietly opened the bathroom door and entered the room without making a sound. I stood and admired the view through the shower curtain. He had a very nice build and to my delight was well endowed. I felt a tingle run down my bare body.

"Is there enough room in there for two?" I asked politely

He stuck his head out of the curtain and I could tell he was shocked to find me there. "What are you doing up off the couch young lady? You're going to hurt your ankle more." He held out his hand to assist me towards the shower.

"Then I guess you'll just have to give me some more of that medicine of yours"


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