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Threesomethis story is part of the FanClub (bi:threesomes, 5207 words)

Author: SeeApe
Added: Dec 23 2002Views / Reads: 8461 / 6414 [76%]Story vote: 9.20 (15 votes)
A threesome between my wife and a co-worker goes further than I imagined in my wildest fantasies.

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I watched as Dee slipped a short bright red dress over her head and pulled it down her body.

She sat down next to me and pulled on her matching high heel shoes.

She turned to me and lightly kissed me with her full lips.

"I'm ready to go." she said and stood up.

I took her hand and we walked out to the car. We drove to the restaurant, parked the car, and went in. We had made reservations and had arrived early. We were both nervous and I ordered drinks.

As we sipped our drinks, we talked about the plans we had made for this evening. More than once we had talked about a three-way love making session. The idea and the mental pictures of watching her with another man intrigued me. Dee was a great lover and always willing to try just about anything. In fact, the idea of making it with another man was originally hers.

I had made friends with a single guy at work and had finally gotten the courage to discuss it with him. Gary was flattered and had agreed.

Hell he had better have been flattered. Dee was lovely and had a great tanned body, with long legs, firm breasts, long black hair, and black ...

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