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Neighbors share a lust for black cockthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 2530 words)

Author: Bobbie W
Added: Jan 01 2003Views / Reads: 6001 / 4957 [83%]Story vote: 8.50 (18 votes)
Woman and neighbor get into interracial sex after neighbor finds videos of woman sucking huge black cocks.

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My best girl friend and neighbor laid a bombshell on me yesterday after we got our kids off for school and I went over to her house for a coffee. We meet every morning for the coffee as our way to start the day and it happened to be her turn to make the pot. We got our coffees and went into their family room to talk and turned on the TV to see about the election news.

When the TV came on there was my best friend, (I'll call her Mary), sucking on two of the biggest, thickest, longest, blackest cocks I had ever seen! When she saw what was on she jumped to the controller and turned the TV and her VCR off. For a minute I didn't know what to say and I could see that she was so embarrassed she didn't know what to do, either. I finally blurted out that she should tell me what was going on. This is her story.

Mary and her husband, George, have been married for ten years and have three children. They are 8, 5, and 3. Mary is 33 years old and is beautiful. She is just about fifteen pounds heavier than she would like to be but any man would not think so because her extra weight is in her boobs and ass. As my husband says to me when we have seen them, she is built for fucking. She has a model's face and hair and is very fair and blond.

She told me that since she was first aware of her sexual self, she has fantasized about making love with a black man. She had no traumas or ...

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