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Snowed In - what more could a girl ask for?this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1931 words)

Author: Nicola32 Picture in profile
Added: Jan 05 2003Views / Reads: 1295 / 915 [71%]Story vote: 6.67 (3 votes)
She meets Curt in a grocery store, ends up taking him home and having awesome sex in front of the fireplace.

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It all began at work with every customer that came into the bank, telling me just how much snow we were going to get, but being a federally run company we couldn't close until they told us we could, even though the snow was coming down at two or three inches an hour. The steady stream of customers that had been making their way in and out of the bank was starting to dwindle, and I finally had a chance to take my morning and lunch break even though it was mid afternoon.

As I was getting ready to run to the store to pick of a few supplies instead of actually taking a lunch, the manager called out, "Great news everyone, we can close and all go home." I was relieved because the snow continued to come down at a steady pace, I cashed out my drawer and got my car dug out of the snow, and drove very carefully to the packed store, I guess I wasn't the only one who needed to pick up a few things. I drove around the crowded parking lot until I finally found an empty space for my car to park in, and with luck there was a snow -covered cart right next to my spot, I brushed the snow off deciding that this was better than trying to find one inside the store.

I weaved in and out of people as I went aisle to aisle gathering the items that were on my list, batteries, candles, water, you could never be too prepared for a big storm. I found the chips and opted for the last bag of baked cheddar cheese, but as my fingers touched the bag another pair of fingers also touched the bag at the same time, I let go and looked up and there he was, this hunk, his shoulders so broad, his ...

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