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Cummuters! Part2this story is part of the FanClub (mm:masturbation, 1821 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: shireman
Added: Jan 06 2003Views / Reads: 1387 / 1060 [76%]Part vote: 8.50 (2 votes)
Mark's adventures on the train continue.

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Cummuters! Part 2

Chapter III

The next day, I swung my schoolbag in silent glee as I walked to the station. I could hardly wait to tell Simon my plan and my mind was busy with working out the final details. I am quite musical by nature and had taken advantage of the school's famous music department by learning to play the clarinet. My lessons took place every Monday evening during term time, which meant that I had to catch a later train home. Although Simon's train was even later, I was sure that I could waste enough time to ensure that I could travel back with him. His eyes lit up when I explained all this to him and it became clear that he had been doing some planning too. "Platform four -first coach on Monday" he murmured as we parted reluctantly for the weekend.

Monday at school passed in a daze of anticipation. I had seen Simon briefly on the morning train, but someone had already taken our usual corner and we had no opportunity to indulge ourselves. I was far too elated to be disappointed and I smiled mischievously at Simon over the packed mass of bodies that separated us. He raised his eyebrows enquiringly and I saw him mouth silently. "Tonight -OK?" As I nodded my reply, I could feel my whole body trembling with anticipation

Doctor S. seemed pleased with my progress as I tackled a particularly ...

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