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Just My Luck, Part IIthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 5474 words) [2/4] show all parts

Author: greywolfe
Added: Jan 07 2003Views / Reads: 1168 / 1042 [89%]Part vote: 9.67 (3 votes)
the continuing saga into Norse mythology, japanese threesomes, the end of the world, and a whole new brand of beer!

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Just My Luck Part Two "Ravens Rock"

Note: I would really appreciate feedback on this, as well as on the first part of the story...in fact, if you want to have any hope of understanding this delightfully crazy story, you should read that first. But, if you wish, just read ahead and I'm sure you'll enjoy it anyway.

I stumbled out of the club out onto the street, still trying to tuck everything back in alright. The night had become a bit cooler since I had been outside last, but it was still very pleasant. There was a full moon shining overhead. All of a sudden, I felt someone grab the back of my shirt and drag me into a nearby alley. I was shoved up against a wall and turned around to see that it was Katyllia, my valkyrie friend, who had dragged me back there.

"You idiot! Just like a man, always thinking with his penis. I gave you a mission and the next thing you know you're off in the bathroom with some blonde bimbo! You almost ruined everything!"

"Relax, Katyllia. You never told me anything about not cumming between now and when I find Angelica. And there's still plenty of time to find that wet t-shirt contest. It's only now just a little after eleven."

"Maybe so. But I warned you that Loki would try to deceive you. Did I ...

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