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Not quite the Mile-high Clubthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1996 words)

Author: gordon_a
Added: Jan 09 2003Views / Reads: 3914 / 3228 [82%]Story vote: 8.00 (5 votes)
Erotic encounter between two strangers at 30 000 feet

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This is the real experience of a friend of mine who visited the US in the eighties. He told me the story when we flew down to Cape Town on a business trip about 15 years ago. I found it extremely erotic at the time and still do.

It had been a spectacularly successful trip to the States. The Americans he had negotiated with had displayed the warmth and generosity the nation was renowned for.

Not that they been pushovers. Behind the geniality was the hard-nosed business acumen necessary to get to the top in this most competitive of democracies - and stay there.

His ideas for selling their products in "darkest Africa" were imaginative and sound. He was an entrepreneur with a great track record and they were keen to gain a new foothold and expand the market for their products - they needed each other, a business match made in heaven. But now, he reflected, he was weary and it was time to go home.

He took his seat in the Business Class section of the South African Airways jet for the 14-hour flight to Johannesburg and any hopes for a quiet journey receded as a woman with two small noisy children in tow stowed away her hand luggage and sat down next to him, greeting him with a nervous smile. ...

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