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46 yr. old woman gets a woman and her two daughters to join in the sexthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 1684 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Bobbie W
Added: Jan 12 2003Views / Reads: 3690 / 2984 [81%]Part vote: 6.33 (6 votes)
46 year old lady fucking her boss and clients has another woman join the club and the new woman's children join in also.

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I'm the lady who works for Dave and has been having hot sex with him and his four clients for the last year. If possible, things have gotten even hotter around here over the last six months since I first wrote to you and I'd like to give you the latest report. Incidentally, I don't know why I have this urge to write this. I think it's because it is so daring and different than anything I've ever done and I'm enjoying it so much that I have to tell somebody and this is a safe way of doing so. Anyway, here goes.

For about seven months, Dave and I were entertaining the main man from the four clients that Dave works for and business was booming since these four men were doing all they could to get Dave more business so they would have good reasons to come to town. Also, to this day none of them knows about the others and so we were assigning one week a month to each client (remember, there are four) because almost every time we had an afternoon "delight" the client wanted to come back for more of the same while he was in town.

At the end of my first letter to you I told about Dave's idea of three men at the same time which sounded great to me but the problem was where to get the third man. Dave decided to start inviting customers to join us. This worried me because now more and more men would know about our parties and word might get to my husband or I could get a disease. Dave made sure that the men would always be from out of town and would give me their names beforehand just in case I might know them. With ...

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