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Car Washthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1912 words)

Author: grad2000 Picture in profile
Added: Jan 13 2003Views / Reads: 1408 / 749 [53%]Story vote: 7.00 (4 votes)
Daydreaming at a carwash.

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Car Wash

Today was unseasonably warm for a January day, we topped out at 72 when the norm is 34! So like most people, I went to the car wash to clean some of the grit off my car. As I sit in line waiting for my turn at the vacuum I start to fantasize about the guy in front of me. He is probably 30 something, tall and built like a runner or something. Unlike myself, he was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt enjoying the weather. Finally, he pulls into the bay and starts to wash his car. "What a jerk, he is going to hand wash it while the rest of sit here and wait?" I said muttering to myself, but then I started to get [censored] by his movements.

They were smooth and sure, as if he was making love to a woman. I was getting quite turned on just by watching. As he bent over to wash the bottom of the doors, I got a glimpse of his ass cheeks, "Damn, the guy isn't even wearing underwear!" I grin to myself. This obviously makes my wait worthwhile. After a little while, I imagine that it is my body that he is gently running his hands all over and not the car.

His hands feel great they seem to know exactly where to caress and where to rub with more pressure. He starts at my neck and shoulders with just the right amount of pressure to get me to relax under his manipulations. He slowly slides his hands down my back with his fingers spread so that they just brush the sides of my breasts as he ...

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