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The Partythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 3786 words)

Author: Bluesman5
Added: Jan 19 2003Views / Reads: 5870 / 5074 [86%]Story vote: 8.92 (12 votes)
My wife surprises me by bringing me to a swing party with our friends from work. (MF, FF, Swinging, Group, Anal, Oral)

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The Party

My wife Sara and I arrived at the party a little later than we would have liked. Traffic and questionable directions from our hostess had conspired to mislead us across the city and back again. No matter, I thought, we were there now and it was good to be in the company of Sara's friend from work and her friends. These guys were single and a bit younger than us and whenever we partied with them at the local bar, we had always felt a little younger as well.

The party was in full swing when we got there, with music playing and people milling about, involved in their own conversations and activities. We found Molly and apologized for being tardy, leaving out the fact that she had unintentionally misguided us. Molly was relieved that we had found the place and offered up a few drinks to us. We gladly accepted and found a few other people that we knew as well and gabbed for a while.

After a bit, I started to feel the call of nature and told Sara that I was going to find the bathroom. She was talking to our friend David and acknowledged me with a kiss and a quick squeeze of my ass.

Having been all over the lower floor during the course of the party, I took for granted that the bathroom was not there and set off to the upstairs in my search. At the top of the stairs I stopped and let my ...

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