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The Office Partythis story is part of the FanClub (ff:infidelity, 16000 words)

Author: Colleen Thomas
Added: Jan 28 2003Views / Reads: 18905 / 16325 [86%]Story vote: 9.41 (29 votes)
Kim goes to the office party without her husband, will sh ever go back?

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Kim switched lanes and decelerated quickly while her eyes searched for some sign to indicate which exit she was approaching. She hated driving in Jersey and avoided it whenever possible. Between convoluted roads, a state government that was too idiotic to place road signs and drivers who got their licenses from a cereal box she always ended up frazzled by the time she got where she was going. Her job required her to travel, but for the most part she only had to brave the rude drivers in New York. At least they knew how to mark exits in her adopted home state while here she was forced to go on a wing and a prayer most of the time.

She switched back into traffic and the big SUV accelerated smoothly. Kim flipped on the console light and leafed through the three-page print out from the computer. Thank god for the Internet, she though as she read through the step-by-step instructions. She slowed again at the next exit and finally found a sign that she could read, the exit number was wrong, but she could see the tall hotel already so she tossed her instructions into the passenger seat and exited. It still took her twenty minutes to get to the hotel, but she finally found her way into the parking lot. Snow was piled into miniature mountains and it took her a few minutes to find a space where the plows had been. The parking lot was full of cars with New York plates, many she recognized as friends and co-workers from her facility.

Kim grabbed both of her bags and climbed out of the big SUV. She was ...

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