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The Pony Girl - Chapter Threethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 3213 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: little alexxx
Added: Feb 13 2003Views / Reads: 1281 / 1079 [84%]Part vote: 8.67 (6 votes)
Her training continues, as this time she is caught with Josh the sable boy. (bdsm pony fetish)

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Tigerpet found it easy to relax on her hands and knees. Josh, the stable boy, had a gentle manner, and she enjoyed him stroking the warm sponge down her back and ass. She shook herself and tiny droplets of water splashed him. He smiled at her playfulness and continued bathing her.

It had only been ten days since she had come to the ranch, yet already it felt like her home. It was so different from the tiny flat she had shared with another girl back in town. It was pure luxury and wealth. Here she felt totally pampered. The work, or ‘training' as it was called, was easy, and apart from the occasional punishment, it took no time to get accustomed to. Plus, the pay was outrageously good.

Three days ago her hair had been trimmed, and shaved back from the sides of her face, to form a lovely long golden mane down her neck. At first she had been concerned about her hair being cut like that. After all, how long would it take to grow back? Then, she had seen his other two pony girls. What magnificent creatures they were. Their hair trimmed like that accentuated their lovely features perfectly. Why, she thought, I may even keep my hair fashioned like this when I move on from here? Parts of her body had been shaved, others waxed. Every bit of hair had been removed leaving her smooth and a soft to touch.

The master had a rule about his new pony girls. He would not use them until they had been shaved, tailed, and forbidden from climaxing for five days prior to their 'presentation'. For almost forty-eight hours ...

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