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Step Thruthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 5181 words)

Author: demonoid1 Picture in profile
Added: Feb 22 2003Views / Reads: 4656 / 3955 [85%]Story vote: 8.33 (3 votes)
Jake Wilson wakes up in a hospital & gets his wish & something else that he didn't count on

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STEP THRU! Written by: Wolf Edited by: M'Lady

Jake Wilson was slowly waking up. Opening his eyes and then

quickly closing them. He was in a large room with bright lights. Very

slowly he, again, opened his eyes. He was lying on a large bed. A

hospital bed, to be exact. Slowly and carefully, he sat up. He looked

around. He was definitely in a hospital and a hospital bed, and one

large hospital room. He was about to push the button for a doctor when

a nurse walked in.

She grabbed his chart and checked it over. "I'm glad to see you're

awake, Mr. Jake Wilson. We had to perform some surgery on your chest.

You're lucky to be waking up here. What's the last thing that you


Jake thought about that for a minute. "I'm not really sure.....Wait a ...

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