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Private Investigaor IIthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 1971 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Andy G. Picture in profile
Added: Mar 08 2003Views / Reads: 1982 / 1778 [90%]Part vote: 9.00 (9 votes)
Darla liked her new job but did not know the lessons she was about to learn. Darla continues to learn.

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Private Investigator (Continued) By Andy G.

Chapter 3 The next subliminal program Stan Johnson made for his young secretary Darla was almost ready. It was mostly the same type of message that demanded an intense sexual desire to erupt in Darla's unconscious anytime she saw a picture of herself engaged in a sexual act. Stan had doctored a few more photos depicting her performing various sensual acts on both men and women. Some were rather bizarre but Stan had found the more disgusting these acts were to Darla the more her unconscious accepted them.

Stan added a few more lines to this already very effective program. These lines included the statement: "You will find my voice will turn you on; You find me a very attractive man; You wish you were my sexual slave; You would do anything for me; Everything you do for me will give you intense sexual pleasure; You need my permission to have an orgasm." This last message Stan inserted many times since he wanted total control of Darla. As soon as the program was complete he began to play it at the office.

Darla continued to work even thought she continued to be very confused and conflicted. After the last humiliating experience of being totally engulfed with sexual passion she was exhausted. However, after seeing herself performing these hideous acts on both men and women she could not get these pictures out of her mind. She could not believe the ...

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