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My lucky day!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1040 words)

Author: justme
Added: Mar 12 2003Views / Reads: 1583 / 1 [0%]Story vote: 5.00 (1 vote)
Meeting a sexy lady off the internet for some hot sex.

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Well it's the 16th of February and I was feeling lonely again as always. So I decided to go online and see if I could find some one that is kind and considerate with out being to judgmental about my situation. See I am married to a woman that won't let me near her or touch her and I sure as hell can't be in the same room when she is getting dressed! She has OCD very bad. Any way on this day I saw Linda was online but before I could say anything.

Let me start by saying on October 6 of 2002 which was a Sunday. Linda and I turned our web cams on and pleasured ourselves for each to enjoy! We both had never done this before, but I found myself very horny and to let lose was not like me at all. Besides I never meet her and didn't know when we ever would.

Months had passed and I never heard a word from her and she apparently never got my messages. One day she did get my message and I was happy. Well on this Sunday we are chatting and I asked her what she was doing the following week. She had to work but suggested that we meet that day! Well I couldn't wait to see her but because we never meet it wasn't like I was coming to her house! So we threw different places to meet and finally she said to meet in her town, which takes about 45 minutes to drive there. So we meet at McDonalds and I saw her drive by with a smile that just made me warm all over. She pulls up next to me and I got nervous, what if she doesn't like me and all the stuff that can go threw your mind. We go inside and we get two cokes to drink and ...

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