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Summer Rainthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1786 words)

Author: Sven the Elder Picture in profile
Added: Apr 09 2003Views / Reads: 1386 / 785 [57%]Story vote: 8.00 (3 votes)
Pagan rites come to the surface during a thunderstorm

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Summer Rain ©Sven the Elder Apr '03

Dedicated with much love and affection to a special person.

The skein of geese swept low down the river, wild honking as they talked amongst themselves - the leader too busy piloting to chat. Eying the bridge ahead he swept majestically upwards and took the group up, over and then swooping down the other side and out of sight. Distant splashing told the tale of their arrival further downstream. Shortly they would wade ashore and start grazing as they fed in the warmth of the late afternoon.

The sounds of the river generally, were muted in the shimmering temperature of the end of the hot summer's day. The heat was oppressive and the towering clouds nearby spoke of a thunderstorm before long.

From the reeds, close by where the boat was nosed in, came the gentle cluck of a moorhen, still protectively watching her chicks, even though the second, late brood were now almost fully grown.

A gust of wind from the gathering storm rustled the reeds, the gentle noise breaking the quiet. The fisherman sitting in the stern, glanced at the clouds, sighed inwardly and started to gather his lines in. Finally, all done and tidied away he pulled in the keep-net and ...

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