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The Pony Girl - Chapter fourthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 3061 words) [4/4] show all parts

Author: little alexxx
Added: Apr 17 2003Views / Reads: 761 / 631 [83%]Part vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
When Tigerpet is presented to her master, branding is something she is not prepared for. (bdsm fetish of pony training)

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Roy gazed down at Tigerpet as she leaned over on all fours and ate the last of her cereal from the bowl, her lovely bare rump high and her full breasts hanging down to almost graze the floor.. Two weeks ago she had come to the ranch as an untidy bar maid. She had been transformed into a lovely well groomed pony girl. He stroked her tail and then gave it a gentle tug to check that it was secure in that tight little ass of hers. It had been fashioned from her own lovely blonde hair after it had been cut and trimmed from the sides of her head to form her mane.

Working as a trainer at Patrick Adam's ranch, he had seen many pony girls come and go. He wondered how long this one would stay. Some were at the ranch a few months. Others like Quinn came and never left. Qinn helped to train the girls. Rarely seen without her crop she knew what they needed, the others were just too soft in her opinion. Good strict discipline - was what they required

He secured a plume of red feathers to the top of Tigerpet's bridle. Soon she would be presented to Patrick, in a ceremony Roy had witnessed many times before. He wondered how he would feel about seeing 'his Tiger' fucked by her master. Alas, she didn't belong to him; he was merely her trainer.

Roy had begun his career years earlier training real horses. Breaking in the pony girls was far more rewarding than the four-legged variety, ...

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