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How romantic can adultery be?this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 4915 words)

Author: 'Broke
Added: Apr 17 2003Views / Reads: 1348 / 867 [64%]Story vote: 7.00 (1 vote)
The story of two people, married, but not to each other, and how they have been friends and then so much more.

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Once upon a time...

There was this girl who realized for once in her life all she ever desired was to experience the sexual ecstasy her body craved so much. Don't get me wrong, she wasn't out looking for it, but she knew deep down inside of her every time she made love, there was a burning sensation wanting to be uncovered, someone to be able to know and read her every thought...move...touch...her smile...her passion!

5'6" Curvy, blond, blue eyed bubbly personality with a love for people, nature, the sea, mountains, sunlight warmth, bright starry nights and walks along the sea shore watching the reflections of city lights glittering on the dark waters consumed her and made her feel alive.

One day she met a very handsome individual who caught her eye and smiled at her briefly across a crowed pub. She noticed his smile was different from any other she had encountered before. The attraction she felt towards this man made her warm and shy inside, as if he knew what was going through her mind at that exact moment. Briefly, yet a feeling that stayed with her for the rest of the evening made her quiver ever so slightly each time she thought of it.

Much to both their surprise they started on a journey of friendship, meeting by accident at a party or when out with mutual friends. They knew and felt the attraction becoming stronger, a smile here, ...

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