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Jan & Pete - The awakeningthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 2103 words)

Author: Jim92584
Added: Apr 24 2003Views / Reads: 3088 / 2708 [88%]Story vote: 8.14 (7 votes)
Jan and Pete learn about their best friends secret and it leads them in a direction they'd never imagined.

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Jan and Pete. Chapter I - The beginning.

I had barely gotten inside the door, when my wife, Jan, excitedly asked if I had seen the evening news. "The news? Why? What's happening?" I must admit I was somewhat perplexed since Jan had to know that I had been in the usual commuter crush on the freeway for the last hour and could hardly have been watching the Six P.M. news.

With a subtle smile, Jan replied, "Oh nothing I'd call ordinary, but you'll just have to wait for the late news to find out."

Jan has a somewhat devilish sense of humor, so I surmised that whatever it was that had caught her attention would somehow or other set me up for one of her little jokes. I patted her on her butt, gave a peck to her cheek, and went back to the bedroom to change out of my suit and tie.

Nothing more was said on the subject of the news as Jan and I sipped an evening cocktail and caught up on the day's activities, the kids, and other trivia. At the dinner table, our seven-year-old daughter and our five-year-old son became the center of attention. After dinner, as Jan did the dishes, I put in a video for the kids, and went into my home office to check my e-mails and look through the day's mail.

The kids were put in bed at 8:30 and I flipped on the T.V. and was just ...

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