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Sleepoverthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:threesomes, 1551 words)

Author: hot_aliya
Added: Apr 30 2003Views / Reads: 8952 / 5374 [60%]Story vote: 7.44 (9 votes)
the night i spent at my friend's was a lot more fun than i had expected!!

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It happened the nite I went to sleep over at my friend,Sarah's place..we had been watching a really steamy porno and touching ourselves.My friend reached an orgasm and went to sleep soon after.i was still horny and really thirsty.I decided to go down to her kitchen to get myself a drink. The corridor bulb must have fused or something coz it was pitch dark outside.

I made my way to the kitchen but was stopped in my tracks when I felt someone's presence in the corridor. I quickly went into the kitchen and turned on the light.there,standing in just his jockeys was Sarah's elder brother,Jim.

"Hey,what are you doing down here?",he asked me. I told him that I was here to get a drink. "Couldn't go to sleep?",he asked with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. That's when I realized that I was only wearing my lace bra and panties. To my surprise he said: "Wanna come into my room? My girlfriend Jena is here too!".

Let me be honest with you.I was horny as hell and after watching the porno movie I really wanted to try some stuff. I followed him to his room.

Jena was sitting naked on his bed.She wasn't too much surprised to see me.Rather ,she got this really expectant sort of smile on her face."So,baby couldn't get any sleep,huh? We can help you".Jim just ...

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