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Buddies help w bj problem(remixed)this story is part of the FanClub (mm:oral sex, 4568 words)

Author: Poker Buddy
Added: May 06 2003Views / Reads: 2455 / 1948 [79%]Story vote: 9.50 (6 votes)
Girlfriend says no oral, so I enlist some help from two str8 friends. Reformatted and edited to make reading easier

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It all started when my girlfriend decided to never give blowjobs again. She said she didn't like the taste, that it was degrading to her, and that she really didn't know why I should mind as long as we still had regular sex. Yeah, I know I should have left her. I was still very attached to her though. And the idea of her telling all of our friends that I left because she wouldn't blow me, well, she knew almost every woman I still talked to.

That's not to say the other sex wasn't good, part of the no blowjob rule included no eating her out and we still had very good intercourse that we got down to very quick. It was just. . .you know when you decide to quit smoking? the second you say to yourself: "Hey, I'm gonna quit." The first thing you do, before you give up and quit,is smoke one last ciggarette. Then you spend the next few days trying to sneak one more last ciggarette. That's what it was like. My craving for a blowjob was reaching the level of a nicotine jones. I knew I would have to cheat. The want was too great. And it was just a blowjob. I didn't want anything else. I was still getting that stuff, but it was getting to the point that even when I was fuckin her, I was thinking about getting a blowjob.

Setting about knowing you want to cheat and doing it are very two points with a long road between them. Letting some facination with a sex act get to the point where you could find someone to help you out and not go to a hooker, that was longer trip than I had time for. At first I ...

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