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SUZANNE: LABOR DAY PART 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3957 words) [3/5] show all parts

Author: mountainboy
Added: May 22 2003Views / Reads: 778 / 696 [89%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
The story continues as Buck prepares to go on an operation and finds that he is capable of feelings that he never thought were possible

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By Mountainboy Copyright May 2003

Then there was the Sunday before Labor Day weekend. Buck had told Suzanne that they were going for a drive. She looked at him quizzically but didn't say anything. While she was in the shower Buck had gone into his office and gotten a rifle with a big scope on it, his 357 magnum and took the little 22 automatic out of the dresser drawer and put them in the trunk of the car along with the appropriate ammunition.

When he finished Suzanne was standing in front of the mirror applying her bit of makeup. She was standing there in Levi's and tennis shoes she hadn't put a top on yet. Buck walked up behind her and cupped her gorgeous breasts in his hands flipping his thumbs over her big nipples causing her to gasp and lean back into him. He kissed her neck breathed in her ear, "Better wear a bra today and a full blouse. You don't need to tape your nipples though. I'll keep the wolves away."

"Where are we going anyway?" Suzanne asked.

"We're just going to follow the front end of the car awhile. Hurry up we gotta get going baby," Buck said.

Buck was standing in the kitchen 5 minutes later when she came down. It ...

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