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A Fantasy From Long Agothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 3278 words)

Author: Ole Reb
Added: May 28 2003Views / Reads: 850 / 655 [77%]Story vote: 9.40 (5 votes)
Leaving her husband was the only choice she had. She found a whole new life far from him.

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A Fantasy From Long Ago....

By: Rudy2....with Ole Reb

For some time now, my husband and I have been like two ships passing in the night. I know he has problems keeping an erection but he has turned away from me and been very cold emotionally....no more hugs and kisses or caresses...even though we were sleeping in the same bed. How I miss his arms around me and his hands on my body! I ache to be touched but for him, it is his cock in me or nothing at all. At first I wondered what I had done wrong....was I not attractive to him anymore? Maybe it was my fault he couldn't make love any more. I am tired of supressing my sexuality. It is with these thoughts going through my head that I board a plane on a trip to Toronto to see my mom. I can't even share my problems and my emotions with Mom or my sister. I can't let them see how much I am hurting and I would never tell them about my husband's problem...not for my sake but because I know he would not want me to and I still have too much love and respect for him to do that. Oh hell, the plane is late leaving. They're overbooked as usual. Some passengers give up their seats voluntarily but not me as I only have a week off work. Eventually, the seating is all sorted out and I find myself elevated to first class. What luxury and such roomy seats! I am seated in a window seat in the last row. I settle in nicely, when they bring in a man in a wheel chair and seat him in the seat beside me. He can stand enough to get from his ...

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