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The Diarythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 5263 words)

Author: VinylDeity
Added: May 30 2003Views / Reads: 13271 / 12474 [94%]Story vote: 8.69 (13 votes)
After a teenager reads his stepsister's diary he finds himself in a very compromising situation when she and her lover find out.

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It was the summer after I had graduated from high school. High school had not been a very fun place for me due to the fact that I was one of those kids who just went to school to get it over with and get a diploma. Not really ever making any real friends and definitely not interested, or more actually, able to make any girlfriends. I did my time in radio and drama class and whatever other classes I could find to fulfill my credits. I just couldn't wait to get home so I could go ride my skateboard and hang out with people other than my classmates.

My mother had remarried when I was 16 and I ended up with two stepsisters that were just basically in the way of the lifestyle that I had become quite comfortable with after my father had left us. My mother had married a man a few years older than she. His name was Jerry and he had a good job and treated my mother well. My younger stepsister Martha was four years younger than me and was the prize jewel of the household. My parents spent all of their free time carting her around town for soccer and dance practice and were constantly going to a game or recital for her. My other step-sister Jenny was 3 years older than me and had gotten really good grades in school and was a completely straight-laced kind of girl. She didn't go to college, but instead opted to get a job at the local mall as a manager at the women's accessory boutique.

Jenny was hotter than hell, but a total bitch, constantly stealing my CD's and complaining that I was a slob. We didn't get along at all due ...

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