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The Cabin Retreatthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 8464 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: The Bear
Added: Jun 03 2003Views / Reads: 2022 / 1671 [83%]Part vote: 9.80 (5 votes)
Melissa takes a much needed break from work and discovers herself and much more in the mountains

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She woke up to the smell of coffee brewing, sausage frying, and shafts of golden sunlight streaming in bars across the bed. She couldn't remember how she got here. She was lying on an immense king size bed with a huge carved oak headboard. The comforter was a beautiful hand quilted design in muted reds, blues, and cream. When she sat up, she realized she was devoid of any clothing.

Still not yet recalling the series of events that led her here to this bedroom, she slid out of bed, pulling the cream coloured sheets with her. Wrapping her self in the warmth of the satin sheets she moved towards the bathroom, at least what she thought was the bathroom. Instead she came to a railing that overlooked the main floor of a rustic, yet fully furnished log cabin. She could see an awe inspiring vision of mountains, clouds, trees and a mirror smooth lake. Where she was, and what had happened to her crashed back into the forefront of her memory, the sensations overwhelming her, causing her to drop to her seat on the floor, reliving each sensuous moment.

Three weeks ago, Melissa had been in her downtown office furiously redrafting her latest column. She had gotten a new source on the congressman's finances just this morning, and after frantically tracking down the details had the scoop to finish off the rotten scoundrel for good.

Her editor had been leery of going after the politician because of the ...

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