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Author: quisp77
Added: Jun 06 2003Views / Reads: 4006 / 0 [0%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Pam and I become full members

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After passing the iniation, Jay told me that the entire club watched the video, and wanted Pam and I to join, but there was a new twist to membership. After I told we were really excited to join, he told me that in order to become members, we would have to pay a small monthly fee, as the club rented a house to use for their parties, and that Pam and I would both have to perform for the existing members.

I agreed immediately, and said I would have to talk it over with Pam. When I got home, I told Pam about it, and she was rubbing her pussy thru her pants already, and said go for it. So I called Jay, and said we were in, and he told me I could pay him the next day, and he would tell me when the next party was planned.

I paid Jay, and he gave me the address to the house, and a set of keys, telling me we could use it any time we wanted, and told me the party was for the next weekend, at 6:00.

I went home and told Pam, and she dropped to her knees, and blew me right there, she was so excited.

We arrived at the house(mansion), and were immediately impressed, it had 8 bedrooms, swimming pool, tennis court, and a fully equipped kitchen.

As we entered, there were about 15 couples there, and we were led to the center of the room, where Jay introduced us to everyone, and announced ...

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