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His Favorite Teacherthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 4871 words)

Author: Mark Schnell
Added: Jun 29 2000Views / Reads: 8827 / 7420 [84%]Story vote: 8.00 (5 votes)
Mrs. Morton taught him much more than high school senior English.

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As Doug entered his senior year of high school, he realized several things. His decision to drop football in order to concentrate on basketball and baseball was going to have both good and bad repercussions. On the good side, he would, no doubt, improve more rapidly in basketball and baseball because he would have much more time to spend with them. On the bad side, he would not be nearly as popular with the girls. In Smallton, Texas, the most popular boys were jocks, and football players were the most popular of all jocks. Not fair, but that's the way it was.

The most attractive and "sought after" girls all seemed to have football player boyfriends. He had no interest in anyone else but the most sought after girls. On the first day of school, he discovered two things: there was a new English teacher, and there was a new girl in school. He would be seeing the new teacher soon enough. He had her English class seventh period, which was the last class of the afternoon.

He met the new girl that morning, in his math class. She sat down right beside him just before class started. Doug introduced himself. Her name was Pam Morton and she was a very cute girl. She was not overly tall and had a slim, athletic build. He guessed that she was involved in women's athletics. She had light brown hair and Doug found himself ...

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