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Cheating for the First Timethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1597 words)

Author: Michellesex69 Picture in profile
Added: Jun 14 2003Views / Reads: 8635 / 6485 [75%]Story vote: 6.88 (8 votes)
My husband has really pissed me off now! We will see whom is cheating on whom now!

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Cheating For The First Time! By Michellesex69 Hi! I"m Michelle a 30 year old blonde, 5'-7", with a firm body & 34-C tits! I,m also married!

We've been married for 6 years now. The last three my hubby has turned into a work-a-holic. I get sex about once a month with him cumming after just a few strokes!

I've told him for the last six months I'm tired of going without and if he didn't change I would get it from someone else! He just laughed then told me I didn't have the guts! That really pissed me off!

What an asshole! Fuck him! I decided right then I would teach him a lesson! That was last night. I left to spend the night with my best friend Nancy.

Once there I asked her if she could score some meth. She said she could easily so we picked up a quarter ounce compliments of my hubby`s bank account!

I hadn't done any since I've been married but I remember well how I liked getting high & fucking wheb I was single Nancy & I got really spun then dressed in her best lingerie.

Putting long coats and high heels on we went to a local topless bar to ...

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