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My visiting slutthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1757 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: dirty geezer
Added: Jun 18 2003Views / Reads: 2442 / 1411 [58%]Part vote: 8.00 (8 votes)
Story written written 1st person 'me to you' for a special woman - who likes to give herself completely. Women who like to be 'submissive sluts' in private should like this. Short and almost immediate!

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‘Only a few minutes' I think to myself, busily tidying up the last few bits and pieces. Not that it's messy, but the nerves are making me use up some of my pent up energy. Better not waste that I smile to myself, not if this weekend goes to plan.

Yes, this weekend should be lots of fun - for both of us. You, my hot dirty ‘slut', and me, your dirty minded ‘master'. Not that I use that name from any ‘official' BDSM scene kinda thing. No, it's just how you know I like to be addressed while we play our dirty sex games.

I smile to myself, knowing that any moment my special friend will be arriving at my door, ready to give herself completely... to me or to pleasure.. both are the same to you. The evenings of swapping fantasies online have got us hot once more, and I again long to touch you, taste you, do whatever my fantasies wish. I can feel my cock stir just at the thought of it. Suddenly, as if to stop me daydreaming too far, the doorbell rings, and my heart jumps. Steadying my nerves, I cross to the front door to welcome you.

"You've finally made it then" I joke. Not only are we sexual partners, we are also good friends. Just as you are about to come back with something sarcastic, I pull you close, my lips meeting yours, kissing you hard and fast. You return the kiss hungrily, tongue dancing with mine, lips pushing together, hearts pounding.


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