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The Librarythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1203 words)

Author: BunnyVixen
Added: Jun 20 2003Views / Reads: 2754 / 1755 [64%]Story vote: 8.57 (7 votes)
Naughty Girl visits the library and learns a good lesson

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It's a quiet night and the library is deserted. As I continue to work on my research paper, I notice you walking down the main aisle. I stop just long enough to wonder what you're doing in the library so late.

You quickly take notice of me and walk over to the table. "I didn't think anyone was up here" you say. I look up from my pile of books and smile, "I'm just working on my research paper for your class, Professor." As our eyes meet, I can't help but realize how good you look. I'd always found you to be attractive, but had only ever seen you in a crowded classroom.

"Well, aren't you a good girl" you say with a subtle grin spreading across your face. I can feel myself blushing and attempt to hide it. "I need a good grade so I figured I had better go the extra mile" I explain. I try to avoid eye contact with you as not to stare.

You lean in over the table and flip through the mountain of books surrounding me. I look up towards you to discover that you're glancing down my blouse. I feel a warm feeling spread throughout my body. You ask if you can take a seat and I nod quietly.

"So, what are you doing in an abandoned library instead of being out with your boyfriend on a Friday night?" you ask as you sit down across from me. "Oh, I don't have a boyfriend and I like it when the library is empty like this. I don't have to worry about being quiet and can ...

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