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My Lover's Loverthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:voyeurism, 1040 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Gosloglo
Added: Jun 21 2003Views / Reads: 8225 / 1 [0%]Part vote: 8.00 (5 votes)
I planned to go away for the weekend and leave my girlfriend and a friend to themselves. My plans get wrecked and I decide to drop over and see the girls. When I saw what they were up to, I wish I had gotten there a little earlier!

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My Lover's Lover - Part 1

During my last year of college, I was going steady with a beautiful girl named Amy. She had a great personality and a way of carrying herself that seemed to ooze sexuality with appearing to be slutty. I noticed her the first year in my chemistry class but she always had a guy with her. She was a 5'2" blonde, with green eyes and a body to die for. She always dressed very conservatively and didn't advertise her perfect shape, but her smile and her intoxicating perfume always gave me a hard-on whenever she got close to me.

One evening while cramming for an exam in the library, she came in and sat across the table from me. She was taking the same course with a different professor, so we helped each other out and compared notes. She was very pleasant to me and seemed to enjoy my company, so I asked her out on a date for the next Saturday night which she readily accepted. We went to dinner and had a great time and although I didn't spend the night with her, the passionate kiss she gave me when I dropped her off at her apartment encouraged me to ask her out the following Saturday. After the third date, she asked me to stay the night and her sweet but intense love-making stole my heart. Sex with her was always different and new, but we also had a good time with each other outside of the bedroom like watching movies and going to the beach to catch some sun. We truly had a well-rounded love and respect for each other, but we still focused on our college work. She really ...

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