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The Adventure Begins / Chapter 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1613 words) [1/5] show all parts

Author: LL2580 Picture in profile
Added: Jun 21 2003Views / Reads: 6067 / 4826 [80%]Part vote: 9.25 (4 votes)
Let me tell you about the hottest most exciting love affair any man could hope to have. It has surpassed any fantasy I ever had.

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Let me tell you about the hottest most exciting love affair any man could hope to have. It has surpassed any fantasy I ever had.

Lacy and I had worked together for about 5 years. I was her supervisor and over that period of time we had always been very professional and did not even flirt. We did however get to know eachother very well and had developed a friendship. During this period of time we were both married, and I may have fantasized about Lacy, but I never acted on it. Besides Lacy is beautiful. She is 5'4", 115lbs, Brunette, with a perfect figure. What most attracted me was her eyes. She has beautiful brown eyes that have that sparkle that can be so damn sexy.

I am not a bad looking guy, but I also know I am not the hottest guy in the group. For the record I am short, 5'4", a muscular 140lbs. I am average and that is okay. I just did not think I was the kind of guy that could ever attract the attention of Lacy.

I have always wanted to be self employed so I had invested in a new retail business. I did not want to quit my job before the business was profitable, so instead I decided to hire a manager. I offered Lacy the job and hired her away from our company. Now she worked for me full time. It was then that we really got know eachother and became great friends.

A few months after I had opened the business my wife asked me for a ...

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