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Rachels Revengethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:masturbation, 3079 words)

Author: Lickythighs
Added: Jun 24 2003Views / Reads: 1451 / 1231 [85%]Story vote: 8.40 (5 votes)
How rachel (and her friends) got her own back for her boss bullying her

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"...And hurry up with that coffee, Rachel".

"Yes, Mr Allcock.

I closed the door, seething. That man was going to get his comeuppance one day. He treated me like a servant rather than a pretty good secretary, and he was always worse when he had meetings with other male members of staff. It was like a power thing, he could say and do as he liked, knowing I wouldn't say anything in front of his colleagues. I needed my job, and he knew it. He was just a bully.

I made the coffee and took it back into the office. I placed the tray on the desk and made to leave.

"Hang on Rachel, aren't you going to pour it out for us, we need a good woman sometimes you know. We're all handless when it comes to pouring drinks and things, and you do it so daintily"

Guffaws all round. The male animal at his worst. The herd instinct, 5 men, all smirking as I poured the coffee and handed out the cups. Not one said thank you, all of them were lost in thought about some big business decision. Either that or trying to look down my blouse.

I left again. Demeaning, that's what it was, demeaning and degrading. I'd get my own back one-day. ...

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