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Bodice Ripperthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 5784 words)

Author: Phoebus
Added: Jun 25 2003Views / Reads: 1412 / 968 [69%]Story vote: 9.50 (4 votes)
Once a Knight...

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Bodice ripper.

Or how men got what they wanted, once upon a time. (Very PC - NOT!!!)

"In days of old when Knights were bold, and journeyed from the castle, trusty men were left behind, knights needed not the hassle. They helped themselves to pig and peach, and drink from the kings own chalice. Ah, it was a stirring sight, these gypsies in the palace."

- Jimmy Buffet

The noise in the great hall had gone quiet. All was still to her ear. The ones left behind had finally debauched themselves to a stupor. Just as well she thought. Morning is nigh and there's much work to be done. With that she arose from her bed and began to dress for her day.

When she was done dressing, she went out into the corridor and roused the other women of the palace.

"C'mon you layabouts" She commanded, "There's work to had!"

Hearing no sounds, she drew back the tapestry to one of the cells, to her horror the bed was not slept in. Checking the rest she found them in similar states.


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