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All is well that ends wellthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1953 words)

Author: Inneed indeed
Added: Jun 29 2003Views / Reads: 6447 / 5089 [79%]Story vote: 8.74 (19 votes)
My husband wanted me to tell him about my having sex with someone else. I DID!

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To look at us, you would assume that we are an average couple in our mid-fifties. In many ways you would be correct. We socialize infrequently, preferring to stay home in the evenings watching TV or reading. To break the day to day monotony of being a stay at home housewife, I belong to a fitness club that I visit on a regular basis. I'm not a muscle freak, but do like to keep my body toned and in good shape.

I have short brown hair, brown eyes, and wear glasses which makes me look like a rather attractive librarian. My dimensions are: 36C, 30, 36.I'm five feet four inches tall and weigh one hundred twenty pounds. My name is Francine, but my friends call me Fran.

My husband is five feet seven inches high, has brown hair and hazel eyes. He weighs on hundred forty pounds and is in pretty good shape for a man of his age. Oh yes, he has a six inch penis when it is erect.

Prior to our marriage, I had and enjoyed different lovers. I have been faithful to my husband since our marriage until six months ago and what happened then was partially his fault.

You see, one of his sexual fantasies (actually his only one) is for me to be fucked royally by someone other than him while he watched or at least my telling him in great detail about how I had been screwed and how much I loved having a BIG dick stuck in me. ...

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