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The Baptist VIIthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 3407 words) [7/8] show all parts

Author: Andy G. Picture in profile
Added: Jun 30 2003Views / Reads: 1208 / 1039 [86%]Part vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
The Baptist are at it again.

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Baptist 7

Alfred Wallace kept normal hours at his church office. He was not surprised when Beth Anderson sheepishly walked into his office.

"Hi Beth, how are you?" he said as he stood up to greet her.

"Not too well Reverend Wallace," she replied.

"Well tell me what I can do to help," Reverend Wallace said.

"After our counseling session I felt worse than ever. I was so ashamed of you seeing me like that but I was also ashamed of being so weak that I could not let you help me," Beth said and began to cry.

"Come on in and let's talk about this," Reverend Wallace replied and shut the office door. He also made a point to lock it.

Beth sat down in the chair next to his desk.

"I went home and tried to talk to Mike. I did not tell him anything about what we did other than I was thinking of having you counsel me. Mike thought it was a good idea. He said I had too many hang ups and this was hurting our marriage. He said sometimes he did not think we should have gotten married," Beth said and tears began to flow down her ...

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