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THE EYES HAVE ITthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:voyeurism, 4526 words)

Author: Teddy Picture in profile
Added: Jul 01 2003Views / Reads: 2314 / 1497 [65%]Story vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
With eyes opened wide Claire got exactly what she wished for, and then some.

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None of us are born with the ability to distinguish color and form. Our appreciation of clean lines and vivid colors are refined over time. Our ability to derive pleasure from the sight of the human body probably begins the moment we notice the difference between boys and girls. In all that we see, there is a fine line between admiration and obsession. Claire Marshall wasn't wearing her glasses the day she crossed over that line.

As lawbreakers go, Claire Marshall will never be public enemy number one. There will never be a wanted poster bearing her likeness hanging in the post office. Claire Marshall is the classic model citizen. She is the person that always puts extra change in the meter. No matter how long she will be away. She is the person that brakes when the light turns yellow. For 27 years Claire dotted her I's and crossed her T's. Simply put, Claire was just another face in the crowd.

If anyone were to ask, she would say that was the way she wanted it. She went to work did her job and came home. Every once in awhile she would stop for drinks with the girls, but she always left before the wolves came out. Twice a week Claire attended kickboxing classes. They helped keep her fit and allowed her a chance to blow off some steam. She had two payments left on her car. "Best of all", Claire would say. She didn't have a man and bunch of rugrats tearing up the house that she was paying for.


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