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Author: KneelOver23 Picture in profile
Added: Jul 09 2003Views / Reads: 1910 / 1646 [86%]Part vote: 9.13 (15 votes)
Now at her home, I get cleaned up and attacked by three horny women and one repressed husband. Feedback welcome.

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My first impression of her house was of an almost clinical cleanness. Everything shone--the metal of the sink, oven and refrigerator, the tile walls of the kitchen. Appliances hummed all around us. Framed photos were perched on the countertop.

"Come here, Neil," Sara squealed. I walked over to the pictures while drying my neck with a paper towel. My shoes squeaked. There were shots of Noelle, lots of them, but one in the middle was of her in the arms of an older man. They were at a wedding or something, both of them dressed up and smiling.

"Maybe that's him," she said. Jeri walked over to us.

"I know that guy, I've seen him on TV! He sells cars. Cute. For an old guy."

"Thanks, I'll pass that on to him," Noelle said, walking into the kitchen. All three of us jumped at her voice. Her bare feet breezed across the lacquered wooden floor. She was nowwearing a thick bathrobe. The way her breasts bounced as she came toward us, I figured she had nothing on underneath.

"Welcome. If you ladies want to get changed, there are plenty of clothes in the spare bedroom down on the right, and a shower."


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